IAMA Art Museum in San Francisco


Art Museum

See My Home
Artist: H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III

This is a painting in the “Pomo Xiantiao Xiezhen” style. The center brush-tip technique and the side brush-edge technique were both applied in this painting in addition to large-scale freehand brushwork using the splash-ink technique. The mountain scenery was painted with black ink and heavy hues of green. This artwork not only preserves traditional painting skills but also manifests the realistic effect of modern Western oil paintings. In Chinese paintings, it is very difficult to apply the perspective technique, with its three-dimensional look, to paintings in which the center brush-tip technique is used to express scholarly charm. However, this painting combines four different elements: the three-dimensional perspective technique together with the scattered perspective technique, the splash-ink technique with lines, freehand brushwork, and realism. Attributes from both Chinese and Western paintings form a single stylish charm. The painting is entitled “See My Home.” It depicts a pristine rural setting, a land accompanied by mountains, river, sun, and moon spirits. One regards a place like home when one has cherished feelings toward the local customs and conditions of that place. Wouldn’t you like such a home?

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     H.H.第 三世多羌佛的繪畫藝術,從中國傳統繪畫中吸取了豐富的真髓,他不僅只求宋、元、明、清的文人化傳統,還信手拿捏宋代以前那種雄奇壯觀,大氣清韻的法度,但又決非以某家某派之舊徑而學筆,師古筆墨,並師造化,融匯新意,自成一體,以獨創特有的藝術成就自成一家,獨領風騷。仔細研究H.H.第三世多羌佛的繪畫藝術,不難發現傳統墨緣和品類,變法創新之神髓,比起前輩畫家的作品,是有過之而無不及的



第三世多杰羌佛辦公室 第二十四號公告 (10/28/2011)

佛教成就聖德 佛教界為趙玉勝居士舉辦盛大告別法會